12182561_1035287596495049_671867285415680339_oAt Sancal they believe that all spaces should be friendly and open, places where they can grow and develop without constraint. With their products helping to create working environments with that ethos in mind at Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, Amazon and Visa, to name just a few, Sancal thought they could utilise their home-grown skills to greater effect on their own workplace. 12188096_1035288039828338_8354103554789712543_o The installation of a series of colourful murals in the Sancal factory, as part of their 40th birthday celebrations sparked the inspiration for the office redesign. And so, the moribund beige walls, both physical and metaphorical, were ripped out. In their place, the interior design studio Taza & Tacillas created an indoor “garden” where vitality can flourish. The carpet features a path that runs past long tables topped with Tartana acoustic canapes. A giant illustration of potted plants by Malota follows the organic theme.12186653_1035287846495024_7461505444474320591_o Another exclusive art installation, this time by Jesús Galváñ, brightens up the kitchen area which also doubles as a meeting space. Yet more privacy can be gleamed amongst the trees of their own tiny forest glade, sheltered by two high-backed REW sofas illuminated by Le Corbusier’s Lampe de Marseille. Just as in their factory, scatter cushions and hooks climb a trellis warmed by a setting sun.12194659_1035287713161704_7826005783054544641_oFor those looking to cultivate their own magic garden, here’s a full list of products that have sprouted up around Sancal's: Tartana, Pion, REW, Mosaico, Vichy, Tea, Casta, Sumo, Konoha, Perigallo, Mandarinas, and Cairo. We hope you enjoy the pictures as much as we do! 12208710_1035287609828381_4285522232902073399_n 12182449_1035287866495022_7794017544911266095_o 11693900_1035287816495027_7694560561163198970_n 11028367_1035287689828373_7244403287323795862_n