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[caption id="attachment_9432" align="aligncenter" width="600"] The award: Straight to the shelf at KE-ZU[/caption]
By now any followers of our online presence through either the KE-ZU Blog, Instagram or Facebook will know that we love to put in huge efforts when we participate in industry events.
So, if you’re here we can assume that you’ve seen our stand at designEX 2014 (if not, head over to our Instagram for more images). A huge amount of work went into the stand and kept KE-ZU’s Lidia, Yael and Mary at a high-energy pace for quite some time! The entire team is happily relaxing now, because we did it! We are proud to announce that we were awarded best stand over 54sqm! Winners from other categories were Workshop and Karndean Designflooring - congratulations to them also!
[caption id="attachment_9433" align="aligncenter" width="600"] KE-ZU's Caron, Lidia, Mary & Yael (and the award, of course!)[/caption]
We rallied friend and colleague Dana Tomic-Hughes of Yellowtrace to help us design and craft our space for the exciting fair. We took inspiration from KE-ZU supplier Sancal’s 40th birthday murals from Spain and shrouded an exciting collection of furniture pieces in pink curtain to create the friendly and inviting atmosphere.
If you’d like any more information on any of the pieces we showed at designEX don’t hesitate to contact the showroom.
[caption id="attachment_9449" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Folk Sofa designed by Rafa Garcia and Nudo Tables designed by Juan Ibáñez[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_9450" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Nub Chairs designed by Patricia Urquiola, Rock Tables designed by Rafa Garcia and In&Out Suspension Lights designed by Arik Levy[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_9452" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Tea Sofa designed by JM Ferrero and Pion Tables designed by Ionna Vautrin[/caption]
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