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The wildly charismatic Spanish designer and artist Javier Mariscal, designer of many pieces available at KE-ZU has undertaken a new project, The Art Player at the Hangaram Museum in Seoul, Korea. The exhibition is currently showing until 22 March.
The exhibition leads its visitors through the designer’s creative process, dissecting it to reveal three clear spaces:
SKETCHES ROOM: This first space of the exhibition separates itself from the balance of the exhibition by suspending black and white sketches drawn by Mariscal. In a Being John Malkovich-esque way, we understand this space is like entering Mariscal's mind and shows how the artist visualizes his ideas.
[caption id="attachment_7828" align="aligncenter" width="600" caption="Vondom's Moma stool and Mora light - designed by Mariscal & available at KE-ZU"]
[caption id="attachment_7816" align="aligncenter" width="600" caption="Vondom's Moma collection - designed by Mariscal & available at KE-ZU"]
[caption id="attachment_7830" align="aligncenter" width="600" caption="Vondom's Sabinas sofa and Mora light - designed by Mariscal & available at KE-ZU"]
[caption id="attachment_7824" align="aligncenter" width="600" caption="M114's Green Chair - designed by Mariscal & available at KE-ZU"]
COLLAGE LANDSCAPE: This space shows Mariscal’s illustration style come to life, utilising sketches as furniture coverings while animated screens highlight his drawing style. Showcasing his artistic versatility, this exhibition space is where many of the furniture pieces Mariscal has designed for KE-ZU suppliers Vondom and Mobles114 are displayed (all Mariscal's products for these two suppliers are available at KE-ZU).

COLOURS PARADE: The final stage of the exhibition introduces you to the many characters of the Marsical family, his illustrated friends in his unmistakable style all coming together.
The Art Player is a fabulous exhibition. It is so exciting to see each facet of Mariscal’s work artfully pieced together under one roof! Our images were taken from Mariscal's website, where the video below is available!Mariscal The Art Player - Exhibition Walkthrough from estudiomariscal on Vimeo.
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