There are times when logic prevails.  This is one of those times. Meet Carlos Huber, parfumeuer (pictured).  Huber is an architect by trade and until 2011 was the in-house architect for Ralph Lauren.  A pretty great job some may say, but not enough for Huber. Huber set out to reenergize his love of historical preservation in a different sense, using a different sense, for a new scent (if you will) and in 2011 launched Arquiste, his repertoire of fragrances based on historical moments in Europe and Latin America. It seems only logical now that a lover of historical architecture should transition into rebuilding the sensory essence of the times when the beloved buildings were erected, right?   The beauty extends to Huber styling photographic pieces including the ingredients and objects of the time and place recreated through scent. Take these for example:

L’Etrog fragrance

In medieval Calabria, a family gathers to celebrate a good harvest.  Within a cabin built of Palm leaves and other woody branches, an aromatic bounty is presented.  The citrusy scent of the Etrog citrion, a regional specialty brightens the air while Myrtle and lush Date fruit envelope the sweet warmth of the Mediterranean night.

Flor y Canto fragrance

On the most fragrant festival in the Aztec calendar, the rhythm of drums palpitates as a wealth of flowers is offered on temple alters.  Billowing clouds of Copal act as a backdrop to the intoxicating breath of Tuberose, Magnolia, Plumeria and the intensely mellow aroma of the sacred Marigold, Cempoalxochitl

The rest of the collection rounds out with 1837 St Petersburg, Anima Dulcis, 1695 Mexico City, Aleksander and Bouttonniere No. 7, 1899 Paris.  Just delicious!  Doesn’t it just feel like you’re there?  This writer recently came across some samples of said fragrances given they are now available in Sydney (the delicious Becker Minty) and am at this very minute sporting the final fragrance of the collection Infata en Flor and can tell you this, I’m losing sight of what it is that I’m typing very quickly as I very much doubt that my friends had laptops in June, 1660 in the Isle of Pheasants on the French/Spanish border.  Au revoir!